Summer Internship Experience
In this blog I would be sharing about my journey as a summer intern. I want to brief about the organization. The organization that I worked as a summer intern is Village IT Services. The organization was a startup and SMEs. They had been working on Mobile, Web applications and QA automation. This organisation was established on 19th December 2017, in Andhra Pradesh. As it was a new startup, it was not known mostly, but they offer a wide range of services, some of the services are the PocketDR, e-commerce website and mobile application for small businesses to do their business privately instead of doing it on social media platforms.
I had joined this organization on 8th July 2021 as an intern. The duration of this internship was three months i.e., till 24th October 2021. I was selected as a Flutter Developer for this internship. I was guided by Ms. Aneesa Sheikh, the android developer in the organization. During the first two weeks, I was provided with some resources about the flutter. The resources helped me a lot, I got all the insights about the flutter and its usage, the various applications that can be developed using the flutter and got the idea about why we were changing from android studio to flutter to develop the mobile applications. I got used to all the technical terms and the widgets during that time.
Then after the two weeks, I was assigned with a project. The project was about an e-commerce mobile application. My role in this project is to design all the UI pages required in an e-commerce mobile application using flutter. Daily two meetings were kept by them. The first meeting was conducted in the morning to assign the task to us, while the second meeting was conducted in the evening to know the status of the task that was assigned to us. Once after completing the designs for mobile application, I was assigned to work on the UI for the web application. The main advantage of flutter is that we can develop mobile, web and iOS applications easily, if we had developed a mobile application, we use the same code for the web and iOS applications, with very less changes in it such as some keywords may differ between them. And it works for only the UI and frontend. This does not work in case of backend; each application has its different software for the backend.
This internship had helped me a lot in learning flutter, I had well utilized my summer vacation. I had used this opportunity to my utmost to build my skills, this was my first internship experience, and got an idea about how the organization were working.